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Me vabandame, kui meie toode ei vastanud teie ootustele.
Tarbijakaitseseaduse (FI) kohaselt on esmane tagastuskoht tootevigade korral jaemüüja, seega võtke palun ühendust jaemüüjaga, kust te toote kõigepealt ostsite.

Mustangi tugiteenus

Mustangi tarvikuid ja varuosi saate osta hästi varustatud edasimüüjatelt. Kui te ei leia vajalikku varuosa, pöörduge meie pädevate spetsialistide poole aadressil Teenindame teid inglise keeles. Võtame teiega ühendust umbes 7 argipäeva jooksul. Kiiremaks teenindamiseks võtke ühendust selle lehe kontaktivormi kaudu. Vorm on ingliskeelne. Enne veel selgitage probleemi kiirema lahendamise nimel välja alljärgnev.
  • Toote mudeli nimi
  • Seadme kood
  • Varuosa number ja nimi, kui tegemist on varuosaga

Varuosad meie edasimüüjatelt

Instructions for a Product Claim

We apologise if our product has not met your expectations.

According to the Consumer Protection Act (Kuluttajasuojalaki), the primary location for returning a malfunctioning product is the seller’s place of business. However, your feedback is our priority in regard to product development and quality assurance. At, we always process written complaints. This creates fewer misunderstandings and better legal protection for you.

If you suspect that the product has some material or manufacturing defect, please fill out the necessary information in the form as accurately as possible so that we may process your claim properly and as quickly as possible.

N.B. We will contact you if we find, based on the information in the form, cause for you to send us the product for inspection. We will not accept retuned products unless the return has been approved beforehand. must ascertain that the product is defective before it can be replaced. Defective products will be replaced with new ones. Should the product no longer be available, reserves the right to replace it with a comparable item.

Mustang is a brand owned by Tammer Brands Oy. Read more about our protection of personal data from here.

Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your patience and understanding!