Off-set smoker Georgia


Extreme robust off-set smoker. Fire is made to separate fire chamber, from where smoke is lead to grilling/smoking chamber. Robust grilling grids are made from … Read more

Off-set smoker Georgia


Extreme robust off-set smoker. Fire is made to separate fire chamber, from where smoke is lead to grilling/smoking chamber. Robust grilling grids are made from 6 mm thick enamelled wire steel. Grilling/smoking area 72 x 37 cm. Warming rack 65,5 x 14 cm made from enamelled wire steel. There are grilling grids 39 x 37 cm in fire chamber for direct griling over coals. Fire chamber has flat lid, which can be used for preparing food or to keep them warm. Fire and grilling/smoking chamber are made of 3 mm thick rolled steel. Powder coating has heat resistance up to 600 degrees. Air is lead to coals through big air valve in fire chamber. Smoke is lead out of grilling/smoking chamber through chimney. In top of chimney has valve, which regulates draft. Chimney output is positioned in a way, that smoke has do double circulation inside grilling/smoking chamber. Charcoal grid in grilling chamber for direct grilling. Robust and big wheels eases handling. Lid has two thermometers, which helps to check temperature inside grilling/smoking chamber. Through two separate hatch meat thermometer probes can be placed into grilling/smoking chambers. Possibility to use Mustang rotisserie 312849. Weight 80 kg. Packed into 3 cartons. Suitable cover 602303. Warranty 2 years.

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72 x 37 cm

Grilling area

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