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Pizza dough with different rising times

Perfect pizza dough is easy to make! All you need is the right ingredients and enough time for rising. See the easy instructions for pizza dough.


Long rising time, 72-96 h

This dough requires stronger 00 flour than the one with a shorter rising time.

600 g of 00 pizza flour (W index of 310 or higher)

420 ml of cold water

0.6 g of dry yeast

15 g of fine sea salt

12 ml of virgin olive oil


Medium rising time, approx. 36 h

600 g of 00 pizza flour (W index of 250–310)

420 ml of cold water

0.6 g of dry yeast

15 g of fine sea salt

12 ml of virgin olive oil



• Mix the flour and dry yeast in a bowl.
• Add the water slowly while constantly mixing. The water must be as cold as possible.
• After adding the water, knead the dough for a moment in the bowl and continue kneading on the table until the dough has a smooth and even consistency. The mixing and kneading will take a total of 10–12 minutes.
• Add the olive oil and salt. Continue kneading for roughly five minutes until the dough is smooth and even again.
• Form the dough into a ball and cover with the bowl on the table for roughly 10 minutes.
• Form the dough into a ball again and place it into a lightly oiled Mustang rising container for roughly 10 hours to rise in room temperature. The container should be as airtight as possible to prevent the surface of the dough from drying.
• After the dough has risen, divide it into four 240 g dough balls.

Rising the dough
• Place the balls into a Mustang raising box and place in the fridge to rise for approx. 48–72 hours (long rising time) or 24 hours (medium rising time).
• Place the dough balls in room temperature for 2–3 hours before baking.

Form and add your favorite toppings
• Form pizza bases out of the dough. Tips on how to form the dough are found on the following page.
• Top the base with your favorite toppings.

Tips on handling and shaping pizza bases
A carefully prepared pizza dough can withstand handling. The gluten in the dough makes sure that the base can be stretched to the desired size and shape. Start working on the pizza dough by covering the table with flour. Also add a good amount of flour on the dough ball, preferably durum or semolina.

Start by pressing the middle of the dough ball toward the edges with your fingers. Once your palms fit in the middle of the dough, you can start stretching the dough on the table by pulling in the opposite directions. The outer edge of the dough should remain untouched throughout the process. Otherwise the crust will not rise properly during baking as all the air bubbles have been pressed out.

Finally, you can lift the dough off the table on the back of your hands and stretch from the middle toward the edges a couple of times. This also removes any excess flour from the bottom.


Bake and enjoy!
• Bake the pizzas in the oven, rotating them to ensure even cooking. The temperature of the oven / pizza stone should be 420–450 degrees. Check the temperature of the pizza oven and stone using the Mustang infrared thermometer.



Ready-made pizza dough balls
For easier pizza baking, grocery stores have ready-made pizza dough balls in the frozen food section. Their purpose is not exactly to satiate your craving for pizza faster, but to make things easier if you are not up for making a dough yourself.

As a general rule, the dough balls are taken from their bag and placed in an airtight rising container to thaw in the fridge for roughly 24 hours and then placed in room temperature for 2–3 hours before forming them into pizza crusts.



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